Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Flash Fiction V—The Late Edition

March 20. It was the first day of Spring. That’s when I ought to have posted this entry, but things happen. “Things” being, in this case, a combination of the sudden onset of Spring Fever and a mass of papers to comment upon (and grade). I was overtaken by a desire to sit in the sun making daisy chains—in spite of the lack of daisies to link together and, I must confess, in spite of possessing no practical knowledge of how to make a daisy chain. This made the grading of papers that much more challenging, as if that was necessary or even possible.

“So take the papers outside and grade them.” This is a reasonable suggestion. It doesn’t work, though; I’m not the kind of person who can focus in that way. I get distracted by the snippets of conversations of passersby, and cloud formations, and the seduction of the sun’s warmth, the tickle of the breeze, the aroma of all that burgeoning green. Does. Not. Work. Much more efficient to stay in my office—windowless, airless, sterile (in the sense of lacking visual interest)—and get the job done.

I know myself that well, at least. I am a woman who does not know how to make daisy chains. I am a woman who remains childishly distractible. I am a woman who works best in a closed environment.

None of this is news. The news in this post begins and ends with this statement: It was the first day of Spring.


ange r. said...

I can't work outside if it's nice out either. Even sitting on the beach in the middle of summer I have trouble concentrating on a book. I'd give into Spring Fever though and go frolic outside, even if it's just for a bit!

Happy Spring!

Donna said...

I sit down in the sun, listening to the birds and other sounds of the neighborhood, close my eyes "just for a minute" and when I look at the time, 45 minutes have passed! Can't be, I think, I just sat down. I am easily distracted; but always for a good least I tell that to myself!

Elizabeth Hilts said...

Happy, Happy Spring! Here's to distraction, also, and a good nap.

RAB said...


Elizabeth Hilts said...

Thank you for reading, RAB.

Amy C. Kaplan said...


Elizabeth Hilts said...

Amy, you have such a way with symbols. Thanks.